Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Chronicles of Jr High: The Marine, Gym Class, and some Randomness

The Chronicles of Jr High: The Marine, Gym Class, and some Randomness

Having a Marine as a World Cultures teachers has perks, and downfalls. I was staring at him and he stared at me for about a minute. although I am about two inches taller than he, I got that "I'm a teacher, be Afraid" look and the "I'm a marine, don't mess with me" look at the same time and it hit me: why is it so warm in here? oh, I'm wearing a hoodie.

Also having a gym teacher as a Health teacher gives a rare sense of humor and A LOT of sports tactics and stories. For once, a teacher has interesting stories to break the ice as opposed to bingo and writing assignments, its a switch.

I went to my bus stop this morning, and there I find a kid in a bunny costume. I kid you not, a bunny costume. so later in class, I said "someone at my bus stop was wearing a bunny costume..." immediately I got this: oh, I saw that guy in the library...

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