Thursday, March 11, 2010

This is the 48th Post...

So, I was thinking, "What Should I Do For Post Number Fifty?" and I came up with a huge list of miscellaneous rants, lists, and ideas to do something wonderful. Then, I went to school.
Whenever I am working on a project, there is always a list of 500 things that need to be done ASAP. I would go to check voice-mail on my cell phone, and find three things to do for Dave's Wiki. Then I get four e-mails about something to send out to the troop. Then, I see that I have six pages of homework. Finally, I get an e-mail about needing to Blog on this site. If anyone has ever headed a project, they know that at least one thing doesn't get done at the end of the day. This website was that thing that doesn't get done. In all reality, who cares? I write this just for the heck of it not to answer to someone, not to impress viewers, or to get any information out.

There is a great website, that kind of sets itself off like a stalker. However, it has remained after seven years. asdfjkl;.com is a useless website, but a very successful one. It is not maintained, but doesn't need to be. It has no information, but asks that of you. Ingenious. So, that is my short post for # 48, now for 49... then 49 1/2.... then 49 3/4....

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