Tuesday, November 10, 2015

One Year Later

Exactly one year ago today, I finished my eagle project. It was an insane effort, 35 volunteers contributing over 120 hours of service and believe it or not the project is still there. At least last I checked.

Because I'm sentimentalist trash, I'm going to put here what I put with the original entry:
On November 10th, I finished a project I had been working on for over a year: The Carlynton Sign Project. Mr. McAdoo signed off on it yesterday, so I feel safe saying that with the exception of some more paperwork I am done with this.
I crunched some numbers and realized that all told 35 people volunteered on the project contributing 120+ hours of community service to the school district. That's just time dedicated to working on the project, not the planning and scheming and phone calls. To say I was happy to see the project finished and to see people's reactions to it and to see that signature is a grotesque understatement.
So many people worked to make this thing a reality and I have lost so much sleep over it that I'm very happy to finally take a step back and think, wow, I did this thing. We were given a budget of $500 and accomplished what we came to do - rehab, replace, and landscape the Carlynton Sign. We put new capstone in, cleaned, painted, mounted banners to and landscaped around this thing and I think it's safe to say that it looks much better than it did.
So thanks again to everyone who had a hand in this project, from Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Loughren and the School Board to Jeff and Nick who randomly helped us clean the brick to any and all of the volunteers who took time out of their schedules to make this crazy idea a reality. 120+ hours. Nuts.
I'm still insanely proud of the work that we accomplished, and the job I did organizing it. It wasn't the most impressive bit of handiwork ever attempted, but I take pride in having taken it on and having seen it through to completion.

Looking back (which I really shouldn't do...) at my posts and calendars and things from the past year or so I noticed (as I did in the moment) that the last year of high school was filled with several completions, but more importantly transitions.

Over my Thanksgiving break I will be a part of the program for the Eagle Scout recognition dinner. It's a chance to look back at an accomplishment, but the way it's worked out for me is that I'm looking with nearly a year's distance.

Without the character-building exercise that was scouting, there is absolutely no way I would be on the path I am on now. I'm looking actively for leadership roles to take on now, not avoiding them. In fact, when I spoke with someone in the office of Career Development (yep, PPU has one of those), she said in rebuilding my resume, I should divide it into categories: education, relevant experience, leadership, and volunteerism.

I have direction (well, sort of) because of my time with scouting, and in high school. I can't this early on if they actually accomplished anything more than building stuff that was built upon later. My studying habits haven't improved much, but that's fine. I'm able to quite quickly identify experiences that would potentially help me in the future. What will appear in that future is yet to be determined but I've also learned that that's perfectly OK: just keep rollin along and you'll be fine.

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