Life= live it fricking epicly
It is an interesting way of putting it, but it is true. I am now addicted to music. I have recently been listening to this song Your Ex-Lover Is Dead by Stars. Now, my ex-lover (do I even have one?) isn't dead, but its a great song. It mentions capturing a taxi and driving across Pont Champlain. I decided to look into this Pont Champlain, and was disappointed to realize that my limited French couldn't tell me that "Pont" really means "bridge". So, Pont Champlain is just the Champlain Bridge in Montreal Canada (yeah!)
I believe that life is kind of like an interstate (Oh, here he goes again), and our adventures are like bridges. I decided to take the one that goes to Canada, and meet some awesome people (See The List) and did some interesting things. In the past month I have:
- Operated Sound for a talent show
- Ran for SPL in a boy scouting troop
- Went to a dance
- Slow Danced with Two Girls
- Listened to music
- Got a combined total of about 20 service hours
- Decided who I am
- created The Carlynton Project (In Crystal Clear 1080p High Def!)
- Ticked some people off (ha)
- operated lights for a choral concert
- went at least 10 miles on a track and on a bike
- Rode a trolley
- got commended by my superintendent
- and turned 14.
Now, what have you done? Heck, I have done about 90 times that, but that is what I put in.
Someone once told me to join the band. I did. A year later I quit. That was probably what got me where I am. I love music, I just can't play an instrument worth my life. I got into journalism, web design, video production, people, and high school.
And this is just the beginning. Well, Good luck. I am crossing my bridge, find yours.